
Love your water

TasWater needed to take a leadership position in the vitally important issue of water surety. But how do you get your customers to see water as a valuable, finite resource when accessing it is as easy as turning on a tap?

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It turns out, the answer was a goldfish. After all, who better understands the value of living with a finite amount of water than a goldfish in a goldfish bowl?

Bob Goldfish can speak with the knowledge of the brand, but is also the voice of our audience, empathetically seeing that the issue of water surety is something important, but something we can also easily forget.

Our research formed a major input into our strategic response. We knew we needed take Tasmanians from ‘complacent’ to ‘conscious’ water use, so they’d start seeing water surety as an urgent issue. Let’s love our water is our inclusive, approachable campaign platform that also inspires action.

Our campaign still has a long way to go, from addressing a number of key areas through to providing actionable methods of contributing to water surety.

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